среда, 1. јун 2016.

My pick of the best of May 2016

Here are my 5 favourite posts and articles from May 2016 taken from those I have shared on Twitter last month.

1 – Infographic: If Learning was water Infographic (left) made by Arun Pradhan, Learnovators, 4 May 2016 – Very clever!

2 –  Promoting Twitter for Professional Development – approaches and resources, Michelle Ockers, 16 May 2016 – A very useful set of resources if you want to help others think about how they might use Twitter too.

“In this post I share some approaches and resources that I have used to help others to get started with Twitter.  I have run informal group sessions inside my organisation, and a pre-Conference ‘learning lounge’ at the 2016 Australian Institute of Training and Development Conference.   Recently I’ve included resources on why and how to use Twitter in a self-directed micro-learning program created to build digital and network skills and habits in my organisation.  Additionally, on-the-spot opportunities frequently arise to discuss Twitter and show people how to get started.”

3 – 5 things my new Twitter followers should know, J D Dillon, 27 May 2016 – I like the way JD lays out how he uses Twitter. It would be useful if more of us did this.

“I take my Twitter responsibilities seriously and hope to provide value to anyone who includes me in their feed. Before you become the receiver of my 28k+ 140-character messages, here’s what you should know …”

4 – How to Develop an Information Advantage in the Age of Content Shock, Ehab Al Shihabi, Inc, 16 May 2016 – Summed up by the subtitle: “The key to career success is not just knowing more. It’s knowing what others don’t.’

“The first challenge to developing an information advantage is realizing that most of us live in a media bubble. If you default to only consuming what comes in through social media or visiting the same sites over and over, you’ll inevitably be learning the same thing that others in your field already know.”

5 – Professional development is Personal, Helen Blunden, Activate Learning Solutions, 23 May 2016 – A thoughtful post about personal and professional learning and how it is changing the way we approach organisation learning.

“So professional and personal are melding …

Gone are the days where a person, organisation, association tells you what they think you need to learn …

Learning is not something you can crowd control your people to do on your own organisational systems”

abstract-1260511_640Finally here are my own blog posts from May 2016

from Learning in the Social Workplace http://ift.tt/1TWJQTH

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