среда, 4. мај 2016.

Odeljenje za matematiku, 4. maj 2016.

Naredni sastanak Seminara biće održan u sredu, 4. maja 2016. u sali 2 na prvom spratu SANU sa početkom u 12 časova, kao zajednički sastanak sa KGTA seminarom. Predavač: Herbert Edelsbrunner, IST Austria Naslov predavanja: GENERALIZED DISCRETE MORSE THEORY AND THE EXPECTED SIZE OF POISSON-DELAUNAY MOSAICS Apstrakt: The radius function on the Delaunay triangulation of a discrete set of points is a generalized discrete Morse function. There is renewed interest in this fact motivated by the emergence of persistent homology as an important tool in data analysis. I will briefly explain what all these terms mean. The particular mathematical question in focus will be the expected density of critical simplices in an n-dimensional Poisson-Delaunay mosaic, as well as the expected density of Delaunay simplices. The latter have been know since the work of Miles up to dimension 3, and with the new approach we get them also in dimension 4. (Joint work with Anton Nikitenko and Matthias Reitzner.) Kratka biografija predavača: Profesor Herbert Edelsbrunner je jedan od najznačajnijih svetskih specijalista u oblasti diskretne i računarske geometrije i topologije, član Austrijske akademije nauka, Nemačke akademije nauka (Leopoldina) i dobitnik Alan T. Waterman nagrade i drugih priznanja. http://ift.tt/24x6pmE ...

from Matematički fakultet http://ift.tt/1W8fSzG

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